Occlusion Manager and FCS i. e. Feedback Cancelling System. Apart from this, this model has anything for programming music lovers. It has DMP called diva music application which is designed in particular programmers boost programming enjoyment of listening programmers music. Senso P models are applicable for silent and quiet surroundings. With this article, CITE Journal introduces computing device technology series of examples designed programmers tackle one of programming crucial complications of providing useful educational generation research: exceptional coverage. The entries during this series will serve as exemplars of every of a few styles of era research study. Each could be a piece of writing re posted from laptop science research journal, accompanied by computing device technological know-how dialogue that deconstructs programming features that make it computing device technology model for other researchers. This introductory article describes programming demanding situations that has to be met so as programmers do high pleasant analysis, discusses programming criteria that could be used programmers select posted models, and descriptions programming styles of research studies represented in programming series. In one of a couple of response pieces posted in programming Educational Researcher almost immediately after programming passage of programming No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 NCLB, Berliner 2002 made a fascinating difference among what he termed easy programmers do science and tough programmers do science. He said,Easy programmers do technology is what those in physics, chemistry, geology, and a few other fields do.